Implementasi Metode Talaqqi dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Qur’an para Santri


  • Toni Hermawan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika
  • Qomaruddin Hidayat Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika


Talaqqi Method, Learning, Tahfizh Al-Qur’an


Every learning activity requires an appropriate method so that the desired goal is achieved, as well as tahfizh Al-Qur'an because memorizing the Al-Qur'an is not as simple as imagined. Therefore, the Tahfidz Maskanul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School chose the talaqqi method in learning tahfizh Al-Qur'an. In this research the author used qualitative and descriptive research with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation methods. The results of this research show that the implementation of the talaqqi method used to improve memorization skills at the Maskanul Huffadz Islamic Boarding School is carried out classically, unlike the characteristics of the talaqqi method in general, which is carried out privately. However, using this method still makes the talaqqi method effective in improving the ability to memorize the Qur'an at the Tahfidz Masakanul Huffadz Islamic boarding school, because using this method makes students' memorization better and makes it easier for students to achieve the predetermined memorization targets. Several factors that support improving the ability to memorize the Qur'an at the Maskanul Huffaz Islamic Boarding School are a comfortable memorization atmosphere such as adequate facilities and infrastructure, and the presence of professional tahfizh teachers.




How to Cite

Toni Hermawan, & Qomaruddin Hidayat. (2024). Implementasi Metode Talaqqi dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Qur’an para Santri. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 6(1), 64–72. Retrieved from