Analisis Perilaku Bisnis Pedagang Kuliner di Kawasan Apartemen Kalibata Pancoran Jakarta Selatan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam


  • Rofik Andi Hidayah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Amanah Al-Gontory
  • Agung Nugroho Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Minhaajurrasyidin Jakarta


Behavior of Culinary Business Traders, Islamic Business Ethics


This study aims to determine the understanding and application of Islamic business ethics in buying and selling practices in the Culinary Center of the Kalibata Pancoran Apartment Area, South Jakarta. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach and involves 3 main informants of sellers and 2 informants of buyers. Data collection uses triangulation techniques to maintain the validity of data with 3 data collection methods, namely: observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses a content analysis method consisting of 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The results of the study show that the understanding and application of Islamic business ethics in general is quite good, although there are still some sellers who have not fully implemented this concept. Principles such as justice, free will, responsibility, and truth have been applied to buying and selling transactions in this culinary center. However, more comprehensive socialization and training from the government and academics is needed so that business actors can apply Islamic business ethics more optimally. Further research also needs to be carried out with a wider scope.




How to Cite

Rofik Andi Hidayah, & Agung Nugroho. (2024). Analisis Perilaku Bisnis Pedagang Kuliner di Kawasan Apartemen Kalibata Pancoran Jakarta Selatan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 6(2), 140–150. Retrieved from