
  • Abdul Kholiq Yayasan Muslim Peduli Nusantara Jakarta


leadership, human resources and community support


The influence of this technological age can educate people to have a responsive mindset and competitiveness mindset, like to work hard, want to learn to improve their skills and work performance. From this global age, we live in an open world, a world without limits. Global life is a challenge as well as opening up new opportunities for economic development and for high-quality Indonesian human resources to obtain employment opportunities abroad. This is where the challenges as well as opportunities for improving the quality of Indonesian education both to meet quality human resources for needs in their own country and abroad.

In general, there are several things that need to be the substance of the management of the development of Islamic educational institutions, namely curriculum management and learning, personnel management, student management, school / madrasah administration management, facilities and infrastructure management, financial or financial management, and community participation management. while in this case the author only focuses on outlining the development of leadership, HR development. In order to be able to answer the challenges of changes that occur in Islamic educational institutions, development management must be carried out continuously. In the study of this journal focused on aspects of the development of Islamic education management. Islamic education management referred to here is through the activities of POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling) and provides an overview of strategic development steps, in this case the authors limit the strategy of leadership development, human resources and community support with the literature review methodology whose sources are taken from other books and literature.

All of these models in their development are influenced by leadership management, improvement of quality, capacity, commitment and integrity of human resources and community participation. Through the strategy of developing an integrated educational institution it is hoped that it will spur improvement in the quality and competitiveness of educational institutions both locally, regionally and nationally.



How to Cite

Kholiq, A. (2023). STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM YANG UNGGUL. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 2(1), 23–42. Retrieved from