Al-Kutub Al-Mu’tabarah Dalam Tradisi Pendidikan Fiqh di Pesantren


  • Teguh Prawiro Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika


Al-kutub al-mu’tabarah, Ahl al-sunah wa al-jamaah, Pesantren, Tradition, Education, Fiqh


The concept of al-kutub al-mu’tabarah In the Nahdlatul Ulama tradition was created to filter out thoughts that deviate from the ideology of ahl al-sunah wa al-jamaah. For this reason, Islamic boarding school (pesantren), which mostly represent the Nahdlatul Ulama organization, select the standard books used. Therefore, the dissemination of knowledge that takes place in Islamic boarding schools through classical texts that are accepted as orthodoxy is generally limited. Among Islamic scientific disciplines, fiqh receives more attention from Muslims. This is because fiqh contains various concrete implications for the daily lives of Muslims. Even though Islamic boarding school teach various disciplines of Islamic knowledge, actually the basic core and main orientation in their education are works in the field of fiqh. This orthodoxy is seen as ultimate science. So that the new works that appear are more about explanations and reformulations of them. But as time goes by, the demand to be more open in accepting the many schools of thought developing in the world opens up opportunities to deconstruct the concept of al-kutub al-mu’tabarah.




How to Cite

Teguh Prawiro. (2024). Al-Kutub Al-Mu’tabarah Dalam Tradisi Pendidikan Fiqh di Pesantren. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 6(2), 119–128. Retrieved from