Kurangnya Minat Baca

(Ancaman Serius Terhadap Dunia Pendidikan)


  • Abdul Kadir Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika


Interests, Reading, Education


Reading is one of the keys to one's success, as evidenced by reading a lot, the more information one gets and the easier it is to socialize with other people. Reading is not limited by age, religion or certain circles. There is a term that reads a lot, knows a lot, reading is not only in schools and in educational institutions. Reading can be done anywhere, at bus stops, offices, parks and houses of worship. Even in Islam, Rasulullah SAW was given the first mandate by Allah SWT with a theory, namely reading. When interest in reading decreases, it is feared that the quality and creativity of oneself will also decrease, it is not impossible then to get a failure. Interest in reading is directly proportional to the progress of a nation. A nation with a great interest in reading must be a developed nation.




How to Cite

Abdul Kadir. (2023). Kurangnya Minat Baca: (Ancaman Serius Terhadap Dunia Pendidikan). Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 5(1), 1–9. Retrieved from https://jurnalstitmaa.org/index.php/alasma/article/view/86