Etos Kerja Perpektif Ilmu Tasawuf


  • Mukhlisin Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika
  • Singgih Aji Purnomo Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Amanah Al-Gontory


Work Ethic, Sufism


This paper contains about the Work Ethic of the Perspective of Sufism. This paper focuses on the work ethic reviewed from the science of Sufism, especially the maqom (position) aspect of Sufism. Work ethic as an effort made by individuals and groups is important for their position in the world of work, regardless of their profession. Sufism in this case the maqom (position) aspect that is enshrined in nine maqom. All maqom has its own meaning and if someone integrates it between work ethic and Sufism in their daily lives, there will be a balance. Because in fact, work ethic has urgency for every person. A person who is able to manage life well and has a good work ethic, then success is achieved. However, work ethic alone is not enough, humans need to be provided with Sufism.




How to Cite

Mukhlisin, & Singgih Aji Purnomo. (2024). Etos Kerja Perpektif Ilmu Tasawuf. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 6(1), 54–63. Retrieved from

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