Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an


  • Madsuri Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muslim Asia Afrika


Management, Islamic Education, Perspective of the Qur’an and Hadith


Islam as a religion that is a guideline for human life that covers all human life. In addition to being a way of life, Islam according to its adherents is also a teaching that must be preached and provide an understanding of the various teachings contained therein. These teachings are found in the Qur'an and Hadith, which are believed to contain basic principles concerning all aspects of human life. So that the Qur'an and Hadith become references and views on life in aspects of the lives of Muslims such as in the principles of management. In the view of Islam, everything must be done neatly, correctly, orderly, and regularly. The processes must be followed properly. Something should not be done carelessly Starting from the smallest matters such as managing household affairs to the largest matters such as managing the affairs of a country, all of that requires good, precise and directed arrangements within the framework of a management so that the goals to be achieved can be achieved and can be completed efficiently and effectively. Basically, the teachings of Islam contained in the Qur'an and As Sunnah teach about a life that is directed and orderly is a concrete example of management that leads to order. Fasting, hajj and other amaliyah are monomintal management implementations. The theory and concept of management used today are actually not new in the perspective of Islam. Management has existed at least since Allah created the universe and its contents. The elements of management in the creation of nature and its other creatures are inseparable from the management of the sky. When the Prophet Adam as the caliph led the universe, he had implemented these management elements.




How to Cite

Madsuri. (2024). Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an. Jurnal Alasma: Media Informasi Dan Komunikasi Ilmiah, 6(1), 73–83. Retrieved from